Wednesday February 23 2022
Churches which ordered oranges in support of migrants in Italy before Christmas are beginning to share how they are being used.
The Calabrian oranges were supplied by the SOS Rosarno co-operative, an initiative supported by Mediterranean Hope, the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy’s refugee and migrant support project.
Last October, the Faith Action Programme of the Church of Scotland appealed to churches to support the initiative by ordering a crate of oranges. Although the order was delayed by red tape (the original oranges were sold to a local buyer, so did not go to waste), the fruit was delivered to Scottish churches last week.
At the Abbey Church of Dunfermline, a recipe for orange cake was provided for people who paid £2 for six oranges. And at Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman Church in Moray, oranges were shared with groups, friends and families, as well as with local food bank Moray Food Plus.
On social media, Margaret Nutter reported that at Kilbowie St Andrews Clydebank, the arrival of the oranges coincided with a celebratory Guild Lunch and all the families got an orange; and at Lomond Parish Church all the oranges were sold after morning worship.
Carol Finlay of the Faith Action Programme said it was ‘just great to begin to get photos from Operation Orange happening in congregations around the country’.
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