Tuesday November 8 2022
With poverty in the UK high on the agenda, Church Action on Poverty Sunday takes place on February 19 2023.
Founded by the national ecumenical Christian group Church Action on Poverty (CAP), the Sunday invites churches to ‘give, act and pray’ towards tackling the causes of poverty in their communities.
The invitation to churches to take part reads: “Building a powerful movement to unlock poverty has never been more important. The cost of living crisis threatens to sweep millions into poverty, threatening their dignity and agency. No one should have to face the choice between heating and eating.
“To prevent more people being swept deeper into poverty, it’s vital that those of us affected have a say. Now more than ever, churches and communities need to stand together and uphold each other’s dignity, agency and power.”
CAP is looking for at least 150 churches across the UK to take part in Church Action on Poverty Sunday. Churches that sign up will be sent a digital resource pack, prayer cards and donation envelopes, and will be offered a free pack of CAP fairtrade coffee to use at the service.
Find out more and sign up here.
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