Thursday June 8 2023
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Lenzie Union Parish Church hosted a concert last month to celebrate 10 years of Lenzie being recognised as a Fairtrade town. The musicians were all friends and former colleagues of the Rev Donald Macleod, the now retired minister from Blairgowrie who was formerly a full time violinist with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. The event was partnered with Comfort International. A substantial sum was raised and at the close of the concert there were stalls in support of both organisations.
The congregation of Kilsyth Anderson held a surprise congregational lunch to celebrate the 60th anniversary of William (Willie) McIlwain’s ordination to the Eldership. Willie and his wife, Cathie (also an elder) knew nothing about the plans for the day - it had been a well kept secret! The service was conducted by locum minister the Rev Kenneth MacLeod, and the presentation was made by a former minister of Anderson, the Rev Charles MacKinnon.
Willie has served Kilsyth Anderson in a number of roles - firstly as an Elder and then as a manager using his skills in the building trade to advise, supervise and perform many maintenance tasks. He became Preses of the Board of Managers, ensuring that the property and finances were in good health. He was a founder member of 3rd Kilsyth BB Company in 1952 and went on to become an Officer and later Captain of the company.
Three new elders have been ordained to South Ronaldsay and Burray church, Orkney. Ian Laughton, Doris Logie and Yvonne Nicholson (front and centre of the photo) almost double the number of elders serving on the Session, from four to seven. Ian and Yvonne are married to existing elders.
They are pictured with the rest of the Session and minister, the Rev Dr Marjory MacLean.
St Columba’s Pont Street Church, London, ordained ten new elders last month. Back row, from left: Andrew Smith, Neil MacDonald, Wendy Betts, Colin John MacKinnon, Roderick Cameron. Front: Isobel Carter, Alan and Pamela Thackrey, Vashtee Nadia Dalsingh and Ruth Kattumuri.
Life and Work is the magazine of the Church of Scotland. Subscribe here.
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