March 2025
Thursday November 30 2023
The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, visited St Andrew’s in the Grange Church of Scotland, Guernsey, last week. She is pictured with Hannah and her son Teddy.
Andrew and Sarah Pettett are pictured with the Rev Andy Muir, minister of Stranraer Parish Church at their wedding on Sandhead Beach on November 23.
Andrew and Sarah previously lived in Stranraer and operated a kennels in the area. Having many happy memories of the beach, where they used to exercise the dogs, they approached the minister asking to be married there.
Mr Muir said: “Everyone was soaked to the skin, but the joy, so apparent on their faces, could not be dampened by a bit of rain.
“It was lovely to be able make their dream come true and they certainly won’t forget their special day, but I do hope my next request to conduct a beach wedding is in St Lucia or the Bahamas!”
Neil Sutherland of Elgin High Church was presented with a certificate of long service by the Rev Deon Oelofse on November 5, recognising 50 years as a ruling elder. The presentation took place during the final service at Elgin High, which entered a union with St Giles and St Columba's South Elgin together with Birnie and Pluscarden on December 1.
Two elders of Edzell Parish Church, Andrew Turnbull and Judith Hay, have been presented with long service awards for 30 years’ service. Andrew is also the church’s Session Clerk, while Judith edits the church magazine and runs the after school club.
They are pictured with minister, the Rev Dr Wayne Pearce.
Life and Work is the magazine of the Church of Scotland. Subscribe here.
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